Everything You Need to Know About Out of the Clear Blue Sky Movie (2013): Aug. 5, 2014 - added the US Blu-ray release date of September 2, 2014 - Movie Insider (2025)

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Plot: What's the story about?

Out of the Clear Blue Sky tells the riveting, behind-the-scenes story of Cantor Fitzgerald. It’s a story of disaster without precedent. What do you when everything – and almost everyone – is gone?

On September 10, 2001, financial firm Cantor Fitzgerald was headquartered on the top 5 floors of the World Trade Center. With offices soaring 100 stories above downtown Manhattan, the Wall Street powerhouse was unknown to the public until tragedy struck. On September 11, 2001, 658 of their employees were missing – presumed dead – in the nation’s worst terrorist attacks. Overnight, Cantor became world famous for the worst of all possible reasons. One of the few who survived was their notorious CEO Howard Lutnick, who had been taking his son to his first day of kindergarten when the planes hit. On September 13th, Lutnick’s emotionally raw, tear-filled interviews transfixed the nation. His distraught television appearances struck a deep personal chord with millions of traumatized Americans reeling and shell-shocked by the unprecedented attacks. But, within a week, in a move that was to become very controversial, Lutnick stopped the paychecks of his missing employees. It was an act that has been praised by some – as a necessary decision to save the company to help the widows of his fallen friends — but severely lambasted by more — as a self-serving, heartless betrayal by a man well known for his ruthlessness. Lutnick’s prior reputation as cut-throat – even by Wall Street standards – preceded him.

The media turned on him and Lutnick went from sympathetic face-of-the-tragedy to vilified pariah over night. Then he completely withdrew from the public eye. Though Cantor suffered almost twice the casualties of the FDNY, their story soon disappeared.

Directed by a September 11th family member, “Out of the Clear Blue” tells twin stories – not only the saga of the ravaged business and surviving employees, but also an insider’s take on the unusual community of families that formed in the aftermath. Cantor’s loss was not only the largest loss by a single entity, it also created the largest single group of mourners, over 6000 people bound by their horrific common experience. This was tragedy writ large. People too young to die, all knowing each other, lost on one day. There wasn’t one memorial to attend; there were 10 a day for over two months, forcing people to choose whose funeral to go to. It wasn’t one dead per family; it was doubles or even triple losses in a family. This wasn’t a private loss; this was as public as could be, with television images played and re-played endlessly and inescapably. A true stranger-than-fiction account, from the jittery and stunned first days — a time unlike any other in American memory — then unfolding over months and years, the film captures what it’s like being caught in the crosshairs of history.

official plot version from outoftheclearblueskymovie.com


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Who stars in Out of the Clear Blue Sky: Cast List

No cast available.

Who's making Out of the Clear Blue Sky: Crew List

A look at the Out of the Clear Blue Sky behind-the-scenes crew and production team.


Danielle Gardner




Production Companies

Watch Out of the Clear Blue Sky Trailers & Videos

No trailer available.

Production: What we know about Out of the Clear Blue Sky?

Key Facts

  1. A behind-the-scenes story of Cantor Fitzgerald in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Filming Timeline

  1. 2013 - July: The film was set to Completed status.

Out of the Clear Blue Sky Release Date: When was the film released?

Out of the Clear Blue Sky was a New York release in 2013 on Friday, September 6, 2013. There were 15 other movies released on the same date, including Riddick, A Teacher and Dead Before Dawn 3D.

Out of the Clear Blue Sky DVD & Blu-ray Release Date: When was the film released?

Now Available on DVD & Blu-ray

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Out of the Clear Blue Sky was released on DVD & Blu-ray on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 .

Q&A Asked about Out of the Clear Blue Sky

Everything You Need to Know About Out of the Clear Blue Sky Movie (2013): Aug. 5, 2014 - added the US Blu-ray release date of September 2, 2014 - Movie Insider (2025)
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